10 April 2013

♥ Tutorial Tuesday ♥ How to.. Clean your makeup brushes

Ok so there comes a time in every makeup lovers life when your brushes are so beyond grubby that they just have to be cleaned. But if, like me, you're not confident with cleaning them and you find it quite a laborious task then getting round to it can take a lot longer than it should.

However, after a lot of research and attempts over the past couple of months I have finally found the brush cleaning routine that I'm happy with. Hopefully after reading this you will pick up some tips that will help you perfect your brush cleaning routine and give you a better outlook on this dreaded task!

So let's get started..

What you will need:

- a textured sponge
- a bottle of baby shampoo
- access to running water
- a water proof/wipeable surface as this can sometimes get a bit messy!
- a flannel or towel to dry your brushes on afterwards

Step 1:

Place the sponge under the tap for a couple of seconds to wet it. Thoroughly squeeze out any excess water, we only need the sponge to be damp.

Step 2:

Then add a small amount of baby shampoo to the sponge, any mild or gentle soap will also work fine.
Slightly rub the soap into the sponge so that it starts to lather up.

Step 3:

Get your makeup brush that needs cleaning. If you are cleaning more than one like me I suggest you do foundation brushes last as they have the most product on so will dirty the sponge a lot more.

Step 4:

Slightly wet your brush underneath the tap, hold the brush in a downward facing position making sure you don't wet the metal part of the brush as this can cause the brush to shed or fall apart. Then using circular motions, swirl your brush against the sponge, do this until the brush looks clean.

Step 5:

Again slightly rinse the brush under the tap to get rid of any excess soap. Squeeze the bristles to remove any water, reshape and place on your towel to dry.

I then repeat the process for all of my brushes, rinsing the sponge and re-applying soap when needed. For small eyeliner and crease brushes I tend to use zig zag motions to clean them rather than circular. I find this works better for these types of brushes.

Once they are all done I fully rinse out the sponge making sure all excess soap is gone and leave it somewhere to dry, here I have placed it on my windowsill as it was sunny. I then make sure all brushes are shaped the way they should be and leave them on their towel somewhere safe to dry.

You will need to give your brushes a good 12 hours to dry before you can use them again as they get quite wet, so plan ahead if you want to use them the following day.

Now all you have to do is sit back and look at all those pretty, clean make up brushes!

I hope you found this tutorial helpful!

Zoe x

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